
GoFiler Legato Script Reference


Legato v 1.5e

Application v 5.25b



Chapter EightData Functions (continued)

DataSheetSetCellText Function


The DataSheetSetCellText function sets the display or text of cell at a specified location.



int = DataSheetSetCellText ( handle hSheet, int row, int column, string data );

int = DataSheetSetCellText ( handle hSheet, string row, string column, string data );

int = DataSheetSetCellText ( handle hSheet, string address, string data );



A handle to a Data Sheet Object.


An int or string specifying a zero-based row or Y position for the cell.


An int or string specifying a zero-based column or X position for the cell.


A string specifying the cell position by cell address such as “A1”.


A string of data to set in the cell position. The encoding of the string can be ANSI or UTF-8.

Return Value

An int as ERROR_NONE or a formatted error code on failure.


DataSheetSetCellText sets the display data of the cell. Depending on the context of the cell and how that data sheet is used, this may be the actual data displayed or part of the cell’s operation. The data is not validation for the type of cell. The maximum size of a cell is 2MB.

This is a low level action that does not participate in the transaction edit tracking. It will set the cell flag as ‘dirty’ requiring a parent to review the content on update. Because it is low level, programmers should use caution if working with a data sheet object that belongs to a higher level view and consider using the view’s specific cell functions.

Related Functions

Platform Support

Go13, Go16, GoFiler Complete, GoFiler Corporate, GoFiler, GoFiler Lite, GoXBRL

Legato IDE, Legato Basic

Page revised 2025-01-21