
GoFiler Legato Script Reference


Legato v 1.5e

Application v 5.25b



Chapter NineDialog Functions (continued)

LISTBOX Resource Statement


The LISTBOX statement can be used as part of the body of a dialog resource specification. It is a specific method for specifying a list box, which can contain a list of items from which a user can choose. The control is a rectangular space with optional scrollbars if the list exceeds the size of the box.



LISTBOX id, x, y, width, height, [style], [extended-style]



The control identifier. This value must be a 16-bit unsigned integer in the range 0 through 65,535 or -1 (same as 0xFFFF or 65535). Except for -1 control identifiers must be unique. Duplicate control values for the same dialog page will result in an error. id is used to access the control within dialog procedures. A value of -1 is typically used for legends and other static controls and cannot be used for controls that require programmatic access.


The X coordinate in dialog units of the left side of the control relative to the left side of the dialog box. This value must be a 16-bit unsigned integer in the range 0 through 65,535. Use caution when overlaying controls.


The Y coordinate in dialog units of the top side of the control relative to the top of the dialog box. This value must be a 16-bit unsigned integer in the range 0 through 65,535. Use caution when overlaying controls.


The width of the control. This value must be a 16-bit unsigned integer in the range 1 through 65,535. The width is in 1/4-character units.


The height of the control. This value must be a 16-bit unsigned integer in the range 1 through 65,535. The height is in 1/8-character units.


An optional predefined name or literal integer value that specifies the style of the control. By default, the style is LBS_NOTIFY | WS_BORDER.


An optional extended window style. The style parameter must be specified in order to specify extended-style. For more information, see EXSTYLE.


Unlike a COMBOBOX, a list box does not permit the user to enter an option. There is no edit portion. The LISTBOX resource statement can only be used with the DIALOGEX or DIALOG statements.