
GoFiler Legato Script Reference


Legato v 1.5e

Application v 5.25b



Chapter NineDialog Functions (continued) 

9.10 Control Functions

9.10.1 Overview

Aside from specific functions for specific control classes, there is a series of functions to help manage controls such as disabling and hiding or changing the display font.

Since each control is a window, most will respond to standard commands.

9.10.2 Functions


ControlChangeColor — Sets the text color of certain controls.

ControlChangeFont — Sets a control font and style to one of a number of presets.

ControlDisable — Disables specified control.

ControlEnable — Enables specified control.

ControlHide — Hides a specified control.

ControlHideGroup — Hides a group of controls based on the first of a series of controls.

ControlIsEnabled — Test control for being in an enabled state.

ControlIsHidden — Test control for being in a visible state.

ControlSetFocus — Sets focus on a specific control.

ControlShow — Shows a specified control (if hidden).

ControlShowGroup — Shows a group of controls based on the first of a series of controls.

Messaging and Management:

ControlGetHandle — Retrieves the window handle for the specified control.

ControlGetID — Returns a control’s ID number.

ControlGetWindowStyle — Returns window style bits associated with a control

ControlSendMessage — Sends a message to a dialog: control id, message, wParam, lParam.

ControlUpdate — Forces a control to update with optional erase flag.

GetMessageParameter — Gets the last parameter (lParam, wParam).


ControlGetPosition — Retrieves the position of the control in screen coordinates.

ControlSetPosition — Sets the position and size of a control.

Page revised 2025-01-21