
GoFiler Legato Script Reference


Legato v 1.5e

Application v 5.25b



Chapter ElevenSGML Functions (continued)

11.3.6 SGML Writing

The SGML Element Class can be rendered or written out to an SGML tag either as a string or directly to the related Mapped Text Object. Generally, the element class is loaded by either parsing a specific item using functions such as SGMLNextItem or SGMLNextElement and making alterations and finally writing the data back or by starting with a clean element class using the SGMLToString or SGMLWriteTag functions.

During the tag creation, any CSS shorthand property-name values are refined, the STYLE attribute information collected and then all attributes written. While attributes and properties appear are loaded in character order, CSS shorthand, normalization and object editing will change the order of attributes and properties. Further, all CSS properties are written last when a tag is created.

The DTD and tag case options determine the case of data. String content is not altered for case.

SGML Writing Functions: