
GoFiler Legato Script Reference


Legato v 1.5d

Application v 5.25a



Chapter ThirteenCollaboration Functions (continued)

13.3 Task Functions

13.3.1 Task Overview

Like other collaboration items, tasks can be stored in up four locations: enterprise, user (local), project and project entry. The task functions allow tasks to be enumerated, added, deleted and altered.

Tasks can be referenced by location and index or by task ID. Task IDs consist of a location code, task designator and series number. For example, “UT0023” is a user task, 23rd serial item. Time stamps are used to assist in task sharing amongst multiple users. It indicates where the task has been altered since the last load.

13.3.2 Task Data Elements

When data elements must be referenced when retrieving or setting task properties, the following key names apply:

  Name   Description
  ID   Task ID (set by the application). The ID can also be used to set the location and type of data when creating a task. The values after the location and type are not used when creating tasks. This is a read-only field.
  TimeStamp   Internal time stamp in ISO-8601 in UTC. This is a read-only field.
  Location   Location code (integer as a string). This can be the same as ID when setting tasks. This is a read-only field.
  Subject   Subject field.
  Status   Status field.
  PercentComplete   Percent complete.
  Priority   Priority (normally a percentage).
  Category   Category for user classification of the task.
  CategoryColor   Color for display purposes.
  Owner   The owner of the task (name).
  AssignedTo   Assigned to (name).
  BlockActions   Block actions by Function Code (multiples separated by spaces).
  Description   User description.
  DateCreated   Date created in ISO-8601 format in UTC.
  DateStarted   Date started in ISO-8601 format in UTC.
  DateDue   Date due in ISO-8601 format in UTC.
  DateCompleted   Date completed in ISO-8601 format in UTC.
  CompletedBy   Name of person completing.
  Notes   General notes.
  EmailEvents   Events resulting in an email notification.
  Email   Email addresses for notifications.
  UserData   General user data.


The total size of the data elements cannot exceed 4,096 bytes, including zero terminators.

The ID/location codes break down as follows:

l T nnnnn



Is the location as ‘E’ for enterprise, ‘U’ for user, ‘P’ for project, ‘F’ for project file and T for template.


Indicates this is a task.


Is a serial number used to uniquely identify the task.


13.3.3 Function Overview