
GoFiler Legato Script Reference


Legato v 1.5e

Application v 5.25b



Chapter FifteenWindows/OS Functions (continued)

OLEGetProperty Function


The OLEGetProperty function retrieves a named variable or property from a specified OLE Object.



var = OLEGetProperty ( handle hOLE, string name, ... );



A handle to an open OLE Object connection.


A string specifying a defined OLE name. See Remarks.


A list of various parameters of varying types depending on the method and OLE Object. The total amount allowed is limited to 14.

Return Value

Returns an var as a type as specified by the OLE processor. Use the GetLastError, IsError or IsNotError function to determine if the function succeeded.

Assuming the OLE method was run, the last error value will contain the VT_ code (see table at the start of the section). Retrieving this code can be useful to determine the type of data being returned by the server.


OLEGetProperties provides a generic process to retrieve specific information from an OLE object. The name parameter must be known to the connected object. Note that the OLERunMethod and OLEPutProperty functions are very similar in that a specific method of verb is communicated to the OLE server.

The return value is dependent on the method parameter and the connected OLE Object. The type may be: handle, string, wstring, any integer based type, or float. It is up to the developer to insure that the return type is correct such that the script will not encounter a runtime type mismatch error. For strings, the OLE default type is VT_BSTR which is returned as a wstring type.

Related Functions

Platform Support

Go13, Go16, GoFiler Complete, GoFiler Corporate, GoFiler, GoFiler Lite, GoXBRL

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