
GoFiler Legato Script Reference


Legato v 1.5e

Application v 5.25b



Chapter EighteenDataView Integration (continued)

18.2 DataView Object

18.2.1 Handles

Most functions within this section employ a Data View Object (DVO) handle. This can be a handle retrieved using the DataViewGetObject function and can be accessed using a view handle retrieved from Edit Window functions such as GetActiveEditWindow.

Global DVO handles should be closed after each set of operations to allow the referenced form to update and paint. To speed successive operations, hold the handle open until the group completes. This paint hold does not work for non-DVO references.

18.2.2 Tabs

No matter the view type, Data View windows will contain one or more tabs or sheets. While many functions apply to a complete workbook, a DVO handle always references a specific sheet. Certain functions can specify a zero-based tab index or the specific view’s handle can be retrieved from an Edit Window function.

18.2.3 Functions