
GoFiler Legato Script Reference


Legato v 1.5e

Application v 5.25b



Chapter Twenty-threeXBRL Functions (continued)

23.11 XBRL Data Exchange (XDX)

23.11.1 Overview

XBRL Data Exchange, or XDX, provides a platform to easily exchange data between XBRL, HTML and other formats.

This section is under construction but provided to all for access to certain functions within the application. It will be expanded in future versions.

23.11.2 Functions

XDXEngramToParameters — Parses an engram and breaks it in to its constituent parameters.

XDXEngramToProperties — Parses an engram and returns the high-level associated XBRL properties.

XDXGetEngram — Gets an engram at a specific position.

XDXGetEngramCount — Returns the current count in the engram map.

XDXMapArea — Maps an area of an existing item for XDX information.

XDXMapFile — Maps an existing item for XDX information.

XBRLViewOpenTransactionLog — Imports an XDX transaction log into an XBRL View and optionally exports the data to XBRL.

XDXCreateTransactionLog — Creates an XDX Transaction Log from object containing XDX.

XDXValidateXBRL — Validates XBRL data after processing XDX to XBRL.