
GoFiler Legato Script Reference


Legato v 1.6a

Application v 6.0a



Chapter ThreeData Types and Operators (continued)

3.9 Literal Numeric Data

3.9.1 Types

Numeric literals specify numeric data within the source code of the script. A numeric literal is a series of characters containing only numeric digits (0-9) and potentially a decimal point. Numeric literals can be integers or floating-point numbers up to and including 64 bits. For example:

int x;

x = 12;

float y;

y = 2.5;

Numeric literals often appear during assignment statements and mathematical operations. They are also permissible in mathematical comparisons.

In addition to decimal, octal and hexadecimal values can be used. For example, hex can be added by leading with the prefix string ‘0x’:

x = 0x3FFF;

The A-F digits can be upper or lower case.

Octal is assumed any time the number is lead with a zero:

x = 0377;

Therefore, the following are the same:

x = 255;

x = 0xFF;

x = 0377;