
GoFiler Legato Script Reference


Legato v 1.6a

Application v 6.0a



Chapter ThreeData Types and Operators (continued)

3.14 Math Operators

Math operators perform arithmetic operations within an expression. Operations can be performed on variables, numeric literals, and (for some operators) string literals. Math operators are evaluated left-to-right. The following math operators are used in Legato:

Addition + a + b
Subtraction - a - b
Unary plus (integer promotion) + +a
Unary minus (additive inverse) - -a
Multiplication * a * b
Division / a / b
Modulo % a % b
Prefix increment ++ ++a
Prefix decrement -- --a
Suffix increment ++ a++
Suffix decrement -- a--


Math operators are evaluated in their order of precedence as described in Section 3.12 Operator Precedence.