
GoFiler Legato Script Reference


Legato v 1.6a

Application v 6.0a



Chapter ThreeData Types and Operators (continued)

3.19 Type Matching

3.19.1 Overview

Many languages are considered strongly or loosely type cast. For example, in C, an integer cannot be made to equal a string. In PHP, however, they are practically interchangeable. Legato is in between both of these constructs as it allows for specific types of variables to be defined while performing a substantial amount of conversion “under the hood”.

Legato uses the precise nature of variables because it allows for easy coupling with the host application, external DLLs, various binary file formats and the operating system. It also avoids problems with “real” number comparisons that can be found in JavaScript or PHP while at the same time allowing for economization of storage.

int    i;

string b;

b = "0x1000";

i = b;


3.19.2 Mixing Strings and Numeric Types

If a numeric type is expected and a string is provided, the value will automatically be converted to a numeric type as possible.