
GoFiler Legato Script Reference


Legato v 1.6a

Application v 6.0a



Chapter FourFlow Control (continued)

EnumerateScripts Function


The EnumerateScripts function loads a string table with active or completed or all scripts.



string [][] = EnumerateScripts ( [int mode] );



An optional int specifying what data to retrieve:

ES_ALL      — Both active and completed scripts are returned.

ES_ACTIVE   — Only active scripts are returned. The scripts need not be running, just loaded.

ES_COMPLETE — Only completed (or failed) scripts are returned.

The default value is ES_ALL.

Return Value

Returns a string table containing a row for each entry and named columns for the specific properties.


The column key names are as follows:

  Key Name   Description  
  Type   The type of entry: “Active” or “Completed”.  
  ScriptHandle   The handle to the script in the form of a hex number: 0x00000000.  
  ThreadHandle   The thread handle to the script in the form of a hex number: 0x00000000. This value will be zero if the script is running (suspended) in the primary program thread.  
  ScriptName   The given name of the script. This value can be set by the SetScriptName function.  
  ScriptDescription   The description of the script. This value can be set by the SetScriptDescription function.  
  ScriptParent   Calling parent for the script.  
  StartTime   The date and time the script started in ISO-8601.  
  EndTime   The date and time the script ended in ISO-8601. If the script has not ended, then this field will not be present.  
  ResultCode   If the script has completed, the result code from the script in the form of a hex string. If the script was aborted due to a runtime error, this will contain the last error code.  
  ErrorLog   If an error log is available this value will be ‘1’.  
  DefaultLog   If the default output log is available this value will be ‘1’.  


Scripts that have complete execution remain in the queue until the handle is closed or the queue times out (approximately 2 minutes). After the time out or close, the results of completed or erroneous scripts can no longer be retrieved.

Related Functions

Platform Support

Go13, Go16, GoFiler Complete, GoFiler Corporate, GoFiler, GoFiler Lite, GoXBRL

Legato IDE, Legato Basic