
GoFiler Legato Script Reference


Legato v 1.6a

Application v 6.0a



Chapter FourFlow Control (continued)


Properly commented code is essential to creating clean, easily interpretable programs. Comments are specially denoted lines in the program that are ignored by the interpreter or compiler. The inclusion of comments does not affect the speed at which the code is interpreted or executed. As is convention with C++, Java, and other scripting languages like PHP, comments are denoted in one of two ways:

//This is a line comment

/* This is a

block comment */

Line comments are marked with “//” at the beginning of the line. Block comments begin with “/*” and end with “*/” and can contain any number of lines. Other denotations for comments (for example, “*” by itself) are not supported.

To comment and uncomment within the IDE, use Ctrl+K C and Ctrl+K U, respectively.