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GoFiler Legato Script Reference
Legato v 1.6a Application v 6.0a
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Chapter Five — General Functions (continued)
The Put16Word function puts a 16-bit word or short into a buffer at a specified byte position.
int = Put16Word ( buffer data, int position, word value );
A buffer as bytes, chars, string or a handle to a Data Object. This is referenced on a byte by byte position to write two bytes to create the 16-bit word.
An int specifying a zero-based position in bytes. This should point to the start of the data for the word. If the position plus the size of the data element is outside of the scope of the buffer, a range error will be returned.
A word value to place in the buffer. The order will be little-endian. If a larger value (greater than 16 bits) is provided, it will be truncated.
Return Value
Returns an int as ERROR_NONE or a formatted error code on failure.
The Put16Word function allows a script to reach into a buffer and place a 16-bit value.
When adding to a single-dimension array, the axis depth is adjusted if the placement exceeds the last position. For other types or multiple dimensions, the axis depth is not adjusted. For automatically allocated arrays, the array size is not adjusted using this function. Any fraction amount of the data type size will push the depth plus one element.
The last position of the Data Object is also adjusted if the end position if the size of the value placed exceeds the last position.
Related Functions
Platform Support
Go13, Go16, GoFiler Complete, GoFiler Corporate, GoFiler, GoFiler Lite, GoXBRL
Legato IDE, Legato Basic
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