
GoFiler Legato Script Reference


Legato v 1.6a

Application v 6.0a



Chapter EightData Functions

8.1 Introduction to Data Support

8.1.1 Overview

Legato provides a wide range of data management tools and functions ranging from primitives for arrays to high-level SQL access. This section covers those functions. In addition, high-level access is provided through application specific functions for Data View, Data Control and Forms View. Even higher level access for certain edit views such as EDGAR Submission View or Form 13F View. These are covered in Part II — The Application later in this reference manual.

This chapter does not discuss best practices or database structure. Those are subjects have filled many books. The intent is to describe the functions to provide access to the programmer.

8.1.2 CSV Data

A suite of functions are provided to support the reading and writing of comma separated values (CSV, aka coma delimited data). CSV data can be read and written from strings, files and the clipboard.

8.1.3 Text Tools

A series of functions are provided to aid in converting formatted text into structured array data. 

8.1.4 Array Tools

Array tools oriented towards data management are provided over and above the suite of array tools discussed in the Variables Functions section in chapter 3. These include moving data in and out of arrays and tables, searching, inserting, deleting and sorting data items. 

An important part of array access is the availability of ‘key names’ or index aliases. This gives the ability to reference lists or tables of data by name rather than integer index.

8.1.5 ODBC/SQL

An interface to Microsoft’s ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) is provided to give access to SQL and other database servers.

8.1.6 Data Sheet

Data Sheet is the underlying control class for Data Controls and variations of Data View used in many edit views within the application. Data Sheet provides a high-level ‘sheet’ style collection of data allowing for numerous attributes and types of data as well as interchange with other formats.