
GoFiler Legato Script Reference


Legato v 1.6a

Application v 6.0a



Chapter EightData Functions (continued)

CSVTableToString Function


The CSVTableToString function will convert a two-dimensional string array into a formatted CSV table as a string.



string = CSVTableToString ( string data[][] [dword flags] );



A two-dimension string array. The first dimension is the row and the second is the column.


An optional dword that specifies various options. The default is CSV_WT_SIMPLE_LINE_ENDING.

Return Value

Returns an string containing the CSV data or empty on failure. Use the GetLastError function to retrieve a formatted error code.


The data parameter is expected to be in a table format, i.e., [rows][cols].

Flags specifies various options. For example, when CSV_WT_SIMPLE_LINE_ENDING causes the output to be written with only CR (0x0D) line-ending characters as opposed to CR/LF (0x0D/0x0A).

  Define   Bitwise   Description  
  CSV_WT_CRLF_LINE_ENDING   0x00000000   CR/LF (Absence of Flag)  
  CSV_WT_SIMPLE_LINE_ENDING   0x00000001   Use CR only Line Endings. To force  
  CSV_WT_KEY_NAMES_TO_HEADER   0x00000002   Convert Key Names to CSV First Row.  
  CSV_WT_CREATE_EXCEL_STYLE_CSV    0x00000004   Create Excel Style CSV  
  CSV_WT_ADD_UTF_8_HEADER    0x00000008   Add UTF-8 Header   


If key names are requested, the first row is filled with the column key names. If all the columns in the data parameter are without keys, the row will not be written.

The table size is determined by the number of used elements. For example, if the table is 10 columns wide but the highest row and column indices written are data[25][5], the CSV will be 6 columns wide and 26 rows deep.

Normally CSV is written by Legato with all fields encapsulated in quotes. Setting the CSV_WT_CREATE_EXCEL_STYLE_CSV flag causes only fields that require quoting to be quoted. Some destination application can be sensitive to the formatting.

Some applications, such as Excel, will accept CSV with UTF-8 encoded Unicode. Adding the CSV_WT_ADD_UTF_8_HEADER bit to the flags causes the writer to add the UTS-8 text signature to the start of the file. It does not cause the function to perform any character conversions. If character are ANSI in the stream and this flag is added, it will probably result in issues with the destination application.

Related Functions

Platform Support

Go13, Go16, GoFiler Complete, GoFiler Corporate, GoFiler, GoFiler Lite, GoXBRL

Legato IDE, Legato Basic