
GoFiler Legato Script Reference


Legato v 1.6a

Application v 6.0a



Chapter NineDialog Functions (continued)

DIALOG Resource Statement

DIALOGEX Resource Statement


The DIALOG and DIALOGEX defines a dialog box resource with or without extended information. The resource can then be referenced by dialog functions, such as DialogBox, to open or display a dialog.

The statement defines the position and dimensions of the dialog box on the screen as well as the dialog box style. It also defines the following:

•  Help IDs on the dialog itself as well as on controls within the dialog box.

•  Use of the EXSTYLE statement for the dialog box itself as well as on controls within the dialog box.

•  Font weight and italic settings for the font to be used in the dialog box.

This statement opens the definition for a dialog resource. Note that all dialogs within Legato are created as if the resource is extended.



nameID DIALOG x, y, width, height

nameID DIALOGEX x, y, width, height, [helpID]



Unique name or a unique 16-bit unsigned integer value that identifies the dialog box.


Location on the screen of the left side of the dialog box in dialog units. In most cases, while this value can be supplied, the DialogBox function will center the dialog on the screen where the parent application is located.


Location on the screen of the top of the dialog box in dialog units. In most cases, while this value can be supplied, the DialogBox function will center the dialog on the screen where the parent application is located.


Width of the dialog box in dialog units.


Height of the dialog box in dialog units.


An optional numeric expression indicating the ID used to identify the dialog box during help processing. The help functions of Legato can override this value.


Dialog resources must be located in an included .rc file or an area designated by pragma statements as resource data.

This statement opens the dialog resource and can be followed by the following additional statements:

CAPTION "text"

Caption of the dialog box if it has a title bar. For more information, see CAPTION statement. For Property Sheet style dialogs, this string becomes the tab name.


User-defined, 32-bit value for use by resource tools. This value is not used by the system. For more information, see CHARACTERISTICS statement.

CLASS class

A 16-bit, unsigned integer or a string, enclosed in double quotation marks ("), that identifies the class of the dialog box. For more information, see CLASS statement.

EXSTYLE extended-styles

Extended window style of the dialog box. For more information, see EXSTYLE statement.

FONT pointsize, "typeface", weight, italic, charset

Point size and type face for the font. For more information, see FONT statement.

LANGUAGE language, sublanguage

Language of the dialog box. For more information, see LANGUAGE statement.

MENU menuname

Menu to be used. This value is either the name of the menu or its integer identifier. For more information, see MENU statement.

STYLE styles

Styles of the dialog box. For more information, see STYLE Statement.


User-defined, 32-bit value. This statement is intended for use by additional resource tools and is not used by the system. For more information, see VERSION statement.