
GoFiler Legato Script Reference


Legato v 1.6a

Application v 6.0a



Chapter NineDialog Functions (continued)

AUTO3STATE Resource Statement


The AUTO3STATE statement can be used as part of the body of a dialog resource specification. It is a specific method of specifying an auto-style check box, which automatically toggles a check mark in the box as the user clicks it. The control is a small rectangle (check box) that has the specified text displayed next to it (typically to the right). When the user chooses the control, the control highlights the rectangle and permits the user to check or uncheck the box.



AUTO3STATE text, id, x, y, width, height, [style], [extended-style]



The text that is to be displayed with the control (the control’s caption). The text is positioned within the control or adjacent to the control.

This parameter must contain zero or more characters enclosed in double quotation marks ("). Strings are automatically converted to Unicode in the resulting resource file. By default, the characters listed between the double quotation marks are ANSI characters, and escape sequences are interpreted as byte escape sequences. If a double quotation mark is required in the text, you must include the double quotation mark twice. An ampersand (&) character in the text indicates that the following character is used as a mnemonic character for the control. When the control is displayed, the ampersand is not shown but the mnemonic character is underlined. The user can choose the control by pressing the key corresponding to the underlined mnemonic character. To use the ampersand as a character in a string, insert two ampersands (&&).


The control identifier. This value must be a 16-bit unsigned integer in the range 0 through 65,535 or -1 (same as 0xFFFF or 65535). Except for -1, control identifiers must be unique. Duplicate control values for the same dialog page will result in an error. This id is used to access the control within dialog procedures. An id of -1 is typically used for legends and other static controls and cannot be used for controls that require programmatic access.


The X coordinate in dialog units of the left side of the control relative to the left side of the dialog box. This value must be a 16-bit unsigned integer in the range 0 through 65,535. Use caution when overlaying controls.


The Y coordinate in dialog units of the top side of the control relative to the top of the dialog box. This value must be a 16-bit unsigned integer in the range 0 through 65,535. Use caution when overlaying controls.


The width of the control. This value must be a 16-bit unsigned integer in the range 1 through 65,535. The width is in 1/4-character units.


The height of the control. This value must be a 16-bit unsigned integer in the range 1 through 65,535. The height is in 1/8-character units.


An optional predefined name or literal integer value that specifies the style of the control. By default, the style is BS_AUTO3STATE | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_TABSTOP.


An optional extended window style. The style parameter must be provided to specify an extended-style. For more information, see EXSTYLE.


Check boxes are useful controls to present the user with a binary decision. The AUTO3STATE control differs from a simple STATE3 control in that the toggling of the check within the box is handled by the script engine.

This statement is the equivalent of using the CONTROL statement with the “button” class and the BS_AUTO3STATE style.