
GoFiler Legato Script Reference


Legato v 1.6a

Application v 6.0a



Chapter ElevenSGML Functions (continued)

11.2 Code Width

11.2.1 General

When Legato API functions create code or when the application creates code, it sometimes requires the code to be formatted with word space to make the code easier to read.

For the most part, tabs, returns and multiple spaces are treated as a single word spaces if within the PCDATA area of code. Other white space is ignored.

The default width and padding is 132 and 4. For applications with a UI and preferences, the user can change the widths. They may also be modified with API calls. If modified, they will remain set after the script ends processing. If altered by the API, they are not saved by in the application preferences, unless the user opens the preferences and presses OK.

Spacing principally impacts code tidy, importing, style classes, table writing or any function that breaks code into lines and word wraps lines. 

11.2.2 Functions