
GoFiler Legato Script Reference


Legato v 1.6a

Application v 6.0a



Chapter ElevenSGML Functions (continued)

11.10.4 HTML Writer Header Functions

If the resulting HTML will be used as the final file, then it should normally contain the HTML wrapper, heading and any other items normally placed at the beginning of the data stream. However, if the HTML being created is to be inserted as part of the larger data set, then the wrapper is optional. Prior to adding the HTML header, the [HTMLAddStyleSheet and] HTMLSetDTD function can be used to add a style sheet or to specify the underlying HTML DTD. When ready to open the HTML body, the HTMLAddHead function is called and the heading code is added to the HTML data set. Upon completion of writing the body of the data, the HTMLAddFoot is called and the ending HTML tags are added to the data set.


HTMLSetDTD — Adds a DTD to the object as directed by a type code.

HTMLSetEncoding — Adds character encoding to the object which is later added when the header is written.

HTMLAddHead — Write an HTML heading. Optional title, font name, font size.

HTMLAddFoot — Adds an HTML footing (/BODY /HTML) to an HTML Writer Object.