
GoFiler Legato Script Reference


Legato v 1.6a

Application v 6.0a



Chapter ElevenSGML Functions (continued)

11.10.8 Unmanaged Table Functions

Tables can be created in unmanaged or managed mode. In unmanaged mode, tables can be opened, rows added one by one and cells added one by one. In this mode, the HTML Writer Object does not track whether a table is “square”, that is each row has the same number of columns so it is up to the programmer to insure good table structure.

In managed mode, an underlying structure is created (using a data sheet) and data can be randomly added to the table.

Unmanaged Table Functions:

HTMLTableOpen — Opens an unmanaged table with optional layout parameters.

HTMLTableClose — Closes an unmanaged table.

HTMLRowOpen — Opens a new row within an unmanaged table (closes currently open row).

HTMLRowClose — Closes the current row within an unmanaged table.

HTMLCellOpen — Opens a table cell within an unmanaged table with various parameters.

HTMLCellClose — Closes the table current cell within an unmanaged table.

HTMLAddCell — Adds a cell with text to be encoded and optional span.