
GoFiler Legato Script Reference


Legato v 1.6a

Application v 6.0a



Chapter ElevenSGML Functions (continued)

11.10.9 Managed Table Functions

In managed table mode, an underlying structure is created (using a data sheet) and data can be randomly added to the table. The HTMLBeginTable function sets up the table matrix. The size of the matrix can be set at the start of the table or is automatically calculation as rows and cells are added. When all data has been added, the HTMLCompleteTable function wraps up and writes the table.

Managed Table Functions:

HTMLBeginTable — Begins a managed table with optional table size.

HTMLCompleteTable — Completes a managed table and writes the matrix to the output stream.

HTMLColumnSetWidth — Sets the width for a specified column within a managed table.

HTMLBeginRow — Begins a row within a managed table. An open cell or row is automatically closed.

HTMLCompleteRow — Completes a row within a managed table.

HTMLBeginCell — Begins the next cell within a managed table at the default or specified position.

HTMLCompleteCell — Completes a cell and commits the content to the managed table matrix.

HTMLSetCellStyle — Sets a specified style item to be used for cells going forward.

HTMLSetCellStyleName — Applies a named style to the currently open cell within a managed table.