
GoFiler Legato Script Reference


Legato v 1.6a

Application v 6.0a



Chapter ElevenSGML Functions (continued)

11.20.17 Taxonomy — Labels

As part of the DTS, labels may be loaded as part of the taxonomy load process. They can be defined in the base taxonomy and in the instance’s associated label linkbase (if sourced as iXBRL or XBRL).

Labels are related to concepts and roles via XML locators and arc. The taxonomy loader will load the roles, label links, locators, arcs and finally the label text with meta data. These are all connected when the post process function is run. Aside from error checking, the concepts are filled in on the label records for easy access.

Load process:

After post processing, the concepts are linked with the label table:

Roles are defined by a URL and are normally all within a specific path. The role is used to identify documentation as specified for one or more labels that maybe applied to the use of a specific concept. For example, the XBRL Link Role Registry 2,0 specifies standard roles. However, developers of a taxonomy can create their own roles.

The linking of the labels is performed during post processing, as such the XBRLPostProcess function must be called prior to using any of these functions. In addition, since this is a taxonomy set of functions, the XBRLLoadTaxonomy function must also be called as part of the initialization.

Once post processed, a caller can get the labels associated with a concept name and enumerate the labels for each role and language.

The high level functions XBRLGetLabel and XBRLGetLabels use the following key name for list entries or table columns, respectively:

  Key Name   Description/Comment  
  Label Record:      
    position†   The position in the fact array. (not part of data set)  
  Label Info:    
    type   Type as specified by XBRL 2.1.  
    label   Label (Unique ID for label) as specified by XBRL 2.1.  
    id   The XML ID, if used, on the label tag. This can also be used to reference a label, although the label key name is the preferred method..  
    role_url   Role URL, complete, as specified by XBRL 2.1.  
    title   Title as specified by XML.  
    language   Language as specified by XML.  
    text   Actual text of label. May contain return characters.  
  Cross Reference    
    prefix   Concept prefix, as cross referenced namespace qualification. The model must be post processed for this field to be filled out.  
    concept   Concept name, as cross referenced without a namespace qualification. The model must be post processed for this field to be filled out.  
    concept_pos   Concept position within concept database. The model must be post processed for this field to be filled out.  
    role_uri   Short version URI of the role.  
  Position (not always set):      
    s_dx†   Source file DTS index. String is “-1” if not from the DTS.  
    s_lx†   Source file linkbase index. String is “-1” if not from the Linkbase List.  
    o_sx†   X position in source file.  
    o_sy†   Y position in source file.  
    la_flags   A hexadecimal string containing flags for the label entry.  
    references   Number of (arc) references.  


† This value is not presented in terse mode.

An XBRL Object will only have labels available if a taxonomy has been loaded. Labels are available from the referenced taxonomy as any linkbases attached to the instance.

Labels are sorted by concept name and then role_url.


Page revised 2025-03-13