
GoFiler Legato Script Reference


Legato v 1.6a

Application v 6.0a



Chapter FifteenWindows/OS Functions (continued)

GetSIDForName Function


The GetSIDForName function returns the SID for a specified name.



string = GetSIDForName ( string name );



A string identifying a name to match with an SID. The name can be a user name, domain or other system resource.

Return Value

Returns a string containing the name information or an empty string on failure. Use the GetLastError function to retrieve error information.


The GetSIDForName can be used to verify that a user name is defined within the system. It is also the preferred way to store user names. Once the system assigns an SID, it will remain the same for that user, even if the name is changed at a later date. Further, without running a reverse function, an casual interloper cannot easily see stored user names.

Security Identifiers are created by the operating system and domain, certain are unique to that system and others are well-known across systems.

Related Functions

Platform Support

Go13, Go16, GoFiler Complete, GoFiler Corporate, GoFiler, GoFiler Lite, GoXBRL

Legato IDE, Legato Basic