
GoFiler Legato Script Reference


Legato v 1.6a

Application v 6.0a



Chapter SixteenApplication (continued)

16.3 Command Line Functions

16.3.1 Overview

The application can be run from a command line or from a shell with command line arguments. The command line is persistent within the application instance and can be accessed by the script. However, depending on the circumstances, some of the command line arguments may be processed prior to the execution of the script.

The command line is parsed early on during application initialization. Certain elements of the command line are acted upon prior to the execution of the first or specified script and prior to the presentation of the user interface (frame).

In addition to application parameters, there can also be script parameters and command line arguments. Any command line argument can be accessed from a script.

16.3.2 Command Line Arguments

See the specific application for information on specific command line actions.

Certain items are predefined but any command line arguments can be added and passed to the application. If the application does not understand an argument, it is ignored.

16.3.3 Command Line Functions