
GoFiler Legato Script Reference


Legato v 1.6a

Application v 6.0a



Chapter SixteenApplication (continued)

16.6 Executing Menu Functions

16.6.1 Menu/Ribbon Functions

Any defined and enabled menu function can be executed from a script using the RunMenuFunction. The level of available automation depends on the specific function.

Menu functions can accept direction via general parameters. These are defined in the Appendix C — Menu Function Parameters specification. If a function does not accept parameters, it will operate in the same manner as if the user selected it from the ribbon or a popup menu.

Many functions, as well as general operations, will fill out a response string in the form of parameter-value pairs. For example, any time an Information View Log is created, a log handle will be placed into the response buffer under the parameter name ‘InfoViewTab’.

To enumerate Functions Codes and ID, see the MenuGetFunctionCode and MenuGetFunctionID functions.

The file history list can be controlled using the DisableFileHistory function to avoid added files to the menu history, if files are opened.

16.6.2 Functions