
GoFiler Legato Script Reference


Legato v 1.6a

Application v 6.0a



Chapter SeventeenApplication Integration Functions

17.1 Application Integration

17.1.1 Overview

One of the main features of Legato is that it is integrated into the application. Integration can be performed on a number of levels from hooks at various operation points to adding functionality through new menu/ribbon functions.

This chapter covers the menu integration features and hooks.

17.1.2 Special Folders

While scripts can be run from any folder that the application can access, most product installations come with a ‘Script’ folder. This is a good place to add custom scripts for network level deployment. That folder will, by default, contain a number of files that should not be directly modified. Since these files may be replaced during the application update process, if a developer desires to modify them, they must be manually protected and replaced during each update cycle. Further, vendor level updates to these files must then be integrated by the script developer.

Of issue when working with a hook is recovering runtime script error information. By adding a folder, “LegatoLogs”, within the application data folder for the user (normally at the location “%appdata%\Novaworks”), Legato will automatically write an XML log file using the current tick count and the extension “.log”. The file is transitory since a message is posted to immediately display and the file deleted. If the folder is not present, the log is essentially lost on each execution.