
GoFiler Legato Script Reference


Legato v 1.6a

Application v 6.0a



Chapter EighteenDataView Integration (continued)

FormsViewOpenFile Function


The FormsViewOpenFile function opens an MDI Data View workbook using a template and source file.



handle = FormsViewOpenFile ( string source, [string template],
                                        [dword f_code | string f_string] );



A string containing a qualified filename or a URL. This becomes the view’s source file.


An optional string specifying the template file to use to open the data.


An optional dword specifying a file type override as a file code. Or,


An optional string specifying a file type override as a file string.

Return Value

A window handle or NULL_HANDLE (0) if there is an error. Use the GetLastError function to retrieve a formatted error code. The value is the handle to the MDI container window for all views displayed and can be used to access other window functions. This handle is not a script object and does not need to be closed.

If the view is opened, the Edit Manager entry index can be retrieved by using the GetLastError function.


This function differs from running a FILE_OPEN from the RunMenuFunction in that it provides direct access to the Forms View manager and allows a template to be directly specified.

If the file format is not supported, ERROR_FUNCTION_NOT_SUPPORTED will be placed in the last error buffer.

An optional file type can be specified as either a file code or file string. This type is attached to the view and the associated Edit and Mapped Text Object. If the string is not an known type, the function will return en error. See file type for more information on codes and strings.

Related Functions

Platform Support

Go13, Go16, GoFiler Complete, GoFiler Corporate, GoFiler, GoFiler Lite, GoXBRL

Page revised 2025-03-13