
GoFiler Legato Script Reference


Legato v 1.6a

Application v 6.0a



Chapter EighteenDataView Integration (continued)



The on_launch event is called when the launch to browser function wants the workbook rendered. The sheet must be render as HTML.



string = on_launch ( string filename ) { ... }



The filename to write the contents of the view. This is an intermediate filename.

Return Value

The function is expected to complete the process. An error code can be returned but is presently ignored.


The script should create an HTML image from the data to be printed and then save that data to the supplied filename. In order to enable printing, the menu state must be set to allow for print.

If this hook is present in the file, the File | Send | To Browser function will be enabled on the ribbon including the popup and various browser destinations. Note that the Send To Browser functions require a native will and are not supported.

Related Events and Functions

DataViewGetObject — Returns a Data View handle (for an associated sheet) for the specified view by window handle. Also locks for paint.

on_menu_init— Called anytime the ribbon or a menu must be prepared for display or updated.

on_print — Called when launching a proof to print.