
GoFiler Legato Script Reference


Legato v 1.6a

Application v 6.0a



Chapter Twenty-oneEDGARView Integration

21.1 EDGAR Interface

21.1.1 Overview

This section contains functions for supporting EDGAR as well as functions to interface to various EDGAR views.

EDGAR functions may be limited on certain products.

21.1.2 EDGAR Functions

Various non-view functions are available to work with the EDGAR system ranging from reading PDS (Public Dissemination System) files to referencing the EDGAR Archive.

21.1.3 EDGAR Views

The main EDGAR View (Submission View) covers the bulk of the EDGAR forms. There are also specialized views for XML Forms such as Form D, Form N-MFP, Form 13F, etc... Each of these forms have different interfaces, and are to the extent possible, operate in the same manner.

EDGAR Views are only available in the GoFiler family of products.

21.1.4 EDGAR Data Access Class

The EDGAR Data Access Class (EDAC) allow access to certain edit forms either when open as a view or as independent files.

EDGAR Views are only available in the GoFiler family of products.

EDAC is currently under development with a focus on NPORT and ATS family of forms.