
GoFiler Legato Script Reference


Legato v 1.6a

Application v 6.0a



Chapter Twenty-oneEDGARView Integration (continued)

EDGARSelectForm Function


The EDGARSelectForm function presents the form select dialog and allows the user to select from one of the accepted form types.



string = EDGARSelectForm ( [string caption], [string form], [string scope[]] );



An optional string specifying the dialog caption. If empty or omitted, the caption is “Select Form Type”.


An optional string containing a beginning form type. The caption parameter must be supplied (even as a empty string) to use this parameter. The form parameter can be supplied as an empty string.


An optional string array containing a list of acceptable forms. If omitted, all available forms are presented. The caption for form parameters must be supplied to use this parameter.

Return Value

A string containing the selected form or an empty string of failure. Use the GetLastError function to retrieve a formatted error code.


EDGARSelectForm presents the standard form select dialog with an optional preselected form name and scope list. Only forms supported within the application will be presented in the dialog.

The optional scope parameter can be used to filter out forms. For example, if only Section 16 forms are allowed, the list can contain “3”, “3/A”, “4”, “4/A”, “5” and “5/A”. If the supplied form name is not in the scope list, the function will return an error without presenting the dialog.


    string        list[];
    string        s1, s2;
    int           ix, rc;

    list[ix++] = "3";
    list[ix++] = "3/A";
    list[ix++] = "4";
    list[ix++] = "4/A";
    list[ix++] = "5";
    list[ix++] = "5/A";
    s1 = EDGARSelectForm("Select Section 16 Form", "4", list);
//  s1 = EDGARSelectForm("", "10-Q");
//  s1 = EDGARSelectForm();
    rc = GetLastError();
    s2 = GetLastErrorMessage();
    AddMessage("Result %08X : %s%s", rc, s1, s2);

Presents the following dialog:

The example contains a number of options, as commented, for the dialog. The result of the selection is shown in the IDE log.

Related Functions

Platform Support

Go13, Go16, GoFiler Complete, GoFiler Corporate, GoFiler, GoFiler Lite, GoXBRL

Legato IDE