
GoFiler Legato Script Reference


Legato v 1.6a

Application v 6.0a



Chapter Twenty-threeXBRL Functions (continued)

23.3 Presentation Functions

Presentations can be accessed by enumerating each view. Note that certain views are for control purposes such as the “XBRL Fields” view (tab).

23.3.1 Overview

Presentations are XBRL’s method of indicating to an XBRL reader or renderer what to present and in what order. With XBRL View (or XFR), the presentations are displayed as tabs within the view. In addition to XBRL specified presentation information, the XBRL view contains more information.

Presentations within XBRL are identified by a name and/or a role URL. Within the XBRL file set, presentation names contain numeric prefixes. These are not carried into XBRL View.

23.3.2 Functions