
GoFiler Legato Script Reference


Legato v 1.6a

Application v 6.0a



Chapter Twenty-threeXBRL Functions (continued)

XBRLViewGetContext Function


The XBRLViewGetContext function retrieves all the properties associated with a specific context in a string array.



string[] = XBRLViewGetContext ( handle hXBRL, int index | string id );



A handle containing the reference to an XBRL object.


If an integer is supplied, it is assumed to be a zero-based index to the internal context array. There is no meaning as to the position of contexts in the array and the position from object to object cannot be guaranteed.

Return Value

A string array containing the context data or an empty set on failure. Use the GetLastError function to retrieve a formatted error code.


The array will contain the following information. Note that not all contexts contain dimensional information:

  Key Name   Description/Comment
  General Items:    
    ID   The context’s ID. This can essentially be any legal XML/XBRL.
    ContextIndex   The internal context ID. This is not an XBRL provided data element. If an index was used to retrieve the context data, this value will match that index.
    CIK   EDGAR CIK value for the context.
    StartDate   Starting date of the context.
    EndDate   Ending date of the context. If this field is not present, the context is considered an ‘instant’ context, otherwise it is considered a ‘duration’ context.
  Dimensional Items:    
    MemberElement-nnn   Member element name (namespace and element).
    MemberLabel-nnn   Member label.
    DimensionElement-nnn   Dimension element name (namespace and element).
    DimensionLabel-nnn   Dimension label.

Related Functions

Platform Support

GoFiler Complete, GoFiler Corporate, GoXBRL