
GoFiler Legato Script Reference


Legato v 1.6a

Application v 6.0a



Chapter Twenty-threeXBRL Functions (continued)

23.6 Fact and Data Functions

23.6.1 Overview

Facts at the underlying data that is referenced by the intersection of context and element. (Facts can also have a third dimension, units, which is not supported. Therefore, the unit is always as specified by the fact and there can only be one.)

Generally, facts are rendered for presentation in human readable format and stored as a raw fact. For example, the value 1,232 may be displayed as “1,232” in millions but stored as a raw fact as “1232000000”. Facts also have certain characteristics, such as precision and units.

The data type of a fact is determined by the element from which it is referenced. For example, an element Assets will typically have the data type “xbrl:monitaryDataType” while LiabilitiesAndStockholdersEquityAbstract will have “xbrl:stringItemType”. In all cases, the underlying fact information is passed as a string.

When a fact is changed, the XBRL View will promulgate the fact as required. This is why it is critical that programmers do not directly write fact data using the Data View or Data Sheet functions.

If one envisions a matrix of contexts and elements, each fact will occupy a position in the matrix. (This is actually the content of the pseudo presentation “XBRL Fields” which is the “instance” data for the XBRL report.) Not every fact position represents data. If the position contains data, the cell the data occupies will have a name consisting of the element and context. Named empty cells are considered “nil” cells, meaning the fact is expressed as an affirmation of no data or an empty fact. This is different from an empty cell with no name, which does not contain a fact.

23.6.2 Functions