
GoFiler Legato Script Reference


Legato v 1.6a

Application v 6.0a



Chapter TwoLanguage Overview (continued)

2.7 Extensions

2.7.1 Build in Functions

Legato includes a series of build-in functions sometimes referred to as the API (Application Program Interface) as part of the SDK (Software Development Kit). Depending on the implementation, certain functions may or may not be available.

Each built in function (and keyword) and keyword have a token. The token value is fixed by the base Legato Engine or the extension attached to Legato. The top byte of the token defines the group where 0x00------ is the base engine.

2.7.2 Extensions

The script engine consists of a series of basic functions for supporting low level functions while application specific items are extended by each relevant DLL. For example, various EDGAR functions are added by various EDGAR DLLs. These functions would not appear in appear in non-EDGAR products.

2.7.3 Functions