
GoFiler Legato Script Reference


Legato v 1.6a

Application v 6.0a



Chapter TwoLanguage Overview (continued)

2.9 Script Errors

2.9.1 Overview

Script errors can be generated during the preprocess or at runtime. When the script engine is called, a formatted error can be returned that will contain information about why a script failed. See Section 5.20 Error Processing and Codes for information on the structure of formatted error codes.

2.9.2 Preprocess Errors

When a script is first processed, it is parsed for syntax, symbols resolved and intermediate code created. During this process errors can added to the log and the process stopped.

2.9.3 Runtime Errors

Runtime errors occur when a parameter to a function is missing or incorrect or another serious error occurs. The script may have executed one or more statements. During this process both warnings and errors can added to the log and the process stopped.

2.9.4 Functions