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GoFiler Legato Script Reference
Legato v 1.6a Application v 6.0a
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Chapter Five — General Functions (continued)
A series of string tester functions are provided to check both strings and individual characters. Generally they provide a boolean result, returning TRUE if a condition is met for the string and FALSE if it is not.
If the function does not support Unicode, the string will be converted to ANSI.
HasText — Tests a string for any text (alpha characters).
IsAlpha8859 — Tests a character or string for ASCII Letters and ISO-8859 Latin letter character(s).
IsAlphaNumeric8859 — Tests a character or string for ASCII letters, numbers and ISO-8859 Latin letter character(s).
IsAlphaNumeric — Tests a character for character ASCII letters or numbers.
IsAlpha — Tests a character or string for ASCII character(s).
IsFootnoteReference — Checks a string for typical footnote characters, numbers or letters in the hole: (1) or (b).
IsLeaderBackFill — Looks backward in a string for leader fill characters. The string can contain text prior to the leader.
IsLeaderFill — Looks in a string for leader fill characters.
IsLower — Checks a string/char for being lower case. The word cannot contain any non-alpha characters.
IsNil — Checks a character or string as being a financial nil value.
IsSentenceDelimiter — Tests character as one that delimits a sentence (. ! : ?).
IsStringPadded — Tests to see if a string has space padding either before or after.
IsTabbedString — Checks a string for tab characters.
IsText — Tests a string for being a textual word with or without conventional punctuation.
IsUpper — Checks a string/char for being upper case. The word cannot contain any non-alpha characters.
IsVowel — Tests a character to see if it is a western vowel (A E I O U, upper and lower case).
IsWordDelimiter — Tests a character as word style delimiter (' ' . , : ; ! ? ( ) [ ] { } '").
HasNumeric — Tests a string for any numeric characters (digits).
HasOrdinalSuffix — Tests a string for numeric ordinal suffix (ie., '1st').
IsAccounting — Tests a string for accounting characters (i.e., -123 or (34,555.44)).
IsDigit — Tests a character to see if it is a number (0-9).
IsNumeric — Tests a string for strictly numeric (digits).
IsPercentage — Checks a string to see if it is a percentage such as 0% or 00.00% etc.
IsReal — Checks a string to see if it is a real number.
IsRealStrict — Checks a string to see if it is a real number but with strict requirements.
IsRoman — Tests a character to see if it is a roman numeral or a string as a roman number.
IsSectionNumber — Tests a string to see if it is a section number (i.e.. 1, 2.2, 2.1.1., etc.).
IsCurrency — Tests a character or string to see if it is a currency group (allows . , and ( ) characters).
IsCurrencyFormatted — Tests a string as properly formatted currency (US, Euro, Pounds, Yen, cents).
IsCurrencyPrefix — Tests a string for currency leader (i.e., USD$ or CAN$) allowing for other ISO-4217 codes. Following number can be loosely formatted as accounting.
IsCurrencyProper — Tests a string for properly structured currency, i.e., 128,333, allowing for multiple commas and periods for US and European formats. It does not check the number of digits.
IsFinancial — Checks character as a number, currency or , or ..
IsNonBreakingSpace — Checks a character or a string as being non-breaking space character(s) (0xA0 or 160).
IsWordSpace — Tests a character as a Word Space (space, return, tab, new line, 0x00).
Character Set:
IsANSI — Tests string for non-ANSI characters (allows some control characters, no Unicode).
IsANSICharacters — Tests a string for non-ANSI characters (no control characters, no Unicode).
IsANSISpace — Tests a character as white space including backspace (back tab, 0x08) and tab (0x09).
IsASCII — Tests a string for non-ASCII characters allowing for return and tab characters.
IsASCIICharacters — Tests a string for non-ASCII (no control characters).
IsUnicode — Tests a source 8-bit or 16-bit string as requiring Unicode.
Logic and Matching:
CompareStrings — Compares string a to string b and returns 0 if equal, -1 if a < b and 1 if a > b.
CompareStringsNoCase — Compares string a to string b without regard to text case and returns 0 if equal, -1 if a < b and 1 if a > b.
IsFalse — Checks string for common terms as being the same as logical FALSE.
IsInString — Checks for a string or character matching inside a target string.
IsRegexMatch — Performs a regular expression pattern match on string data.
IsTrue — Tests a string for common terms being the same as logical TRUE.
IsWildListMatch — Compares a list of match items against the target string using * and ? wildcards. Each match should be separated by a semicolon.
IsWildMatch — Compares the target string to the match string using * and ? wildcard characters.
IsWildString — Tests a string for containing one or more wild card characters.
IsNonBreakingSpaceEntity — Checks for the start of a string being a non-breaking space (PCDATA) as or   characters.
IsNonBreakingSpacePCDATA — Checks for string containing only non-breaking spaces and optional word spaces.
IsPCDATARequired — Checks a string for a requirement to encode as PCDATA.
IsSGMLCharacterEntity — Tests a string for basic SGML character entity structure. It does not check the actual character specification.
IsSGMLTag — Tests a string for basic SGML tag structure. Does not check the content other than for <a> or </a> structure.
IsValidSGMLAttribute — Tests a string for a valid syntax attribute name (with name space).
IsValidSGMLCharacter — Tests a character that can be part of an SGML element or attribute.
IsValidSGMLElement — Tests a string for a valid syntax element name (with name space).
IsValidSGMLStartCharacter — Tests a character as a start character in an SGML element or attribute.
IsDrawing — Tests a character or string for a limited set of characters commonly used for drawing.
IsEmptyString — Tests for a string being empty (spaces do not count).
IsExpressionBoolean — Tests a string that could be used as a boolean operator.
IsExpressionCharacter — Tests a character that could be used in an expression (i.e.., { < +, etc.).
IsExpressionGroup — Tests a character used in an expression group (i.e., " ( or [ ).
IsExpressionLogic — Tests a character or string that could be used as a logical operator.
IsExpressionMath — Tests a character or string that could be used as a math operator.
IsExtendedAlpha — Tests a character to see if it is part of ISO-8859 latin alpha set commonly used in English.
IsHex — Tests a character or string as being valid hex. If a string, it cannot have the 0x prefix.
IsHTML — Tests a string as being HTML by checking for certain HTML tags.
IsValidVariableCharacter — Tests a character that can be used in a programming variable (no lead character exclusion).
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