
GoFiler Legato Script Reference


Legato v 1.6a

Application v 6.0a



Chapter FiveGeneral Functions (continued)

TrailStringAfter Function


The TrailStringAfter function will add an ellipse style trail (‘...’) after truncating the target string if it exceeds the specified size.



string = TrailStringAfter ( string source, int size );



A string.


An int specifying the size of the string before the trail. If the string exceeds the size less than 3, the source will be trailed off. The value must be > 4 and less than 1MB. Under circumstances where the string may be larger that 1MB, use the GetStringSegment function to pre-trim the string.

Return Value

Returns a string as the source string or a trailed off version of the source string.


The TrailStringAfter function is useful for displaying a string in a limited space without roughly truncating but rather adding a “trail off” indicator. If the function does not alter the string, the value retrieved from the GetLastError function will be ERROR_SOFT. The last error can also be ERROR_RANGE if the size parameter does not conform to the above specification.

There are multiple methods of “trailing off” strings. The following illustrates examples:

        string             s1, s2;

        s1 = "This is the story of my cats, purry, furry and cute";
        AddMessage("Original String         :%s:", s1);

        s2 = TrailStringAfter(s1, 20);
        AddMessage("TrailStringAfter        :%s:", s2);

        s2 = TrailStringAfterAlways(s1, 20);
        AddMessage("TrailStringAfterAlways  :%s:", s2);

        s2 = TrailStringAfterAlways(s1, 1000);
        AddMessage("TrailStringAfterAlways  :%s:", s2);

        s2 = TrailStringBefore(s1, 25);
        AddMessage("TrailStringBefore       :%s:", s2);

Results in the following placed in the log:

        Original String         :This is the story of my cats, purry, furry and cute:
        TrailStringAfter        :This is the stor...:
        TrailStringAfterAlways  :This is the stor...:
        TrailStringAfterAlways  :This is the story of my cats, purry, furry and c...:
        TrailStringBefore       :...purry, furry and cute:

Related Functions

Platform Support

Go13, Go16, GoFiler Complete, GoFiler Corporate, GoFiler, GoFiler Lite, GoXBRL

Legato IDE, Legato Basic