
GoFiler Legato Script Reference


Legato v 1.6a

Application v 6.0a



Chapter FiveGeneral Functions (continued)

TrailStringAfterAlways Function


The TrailStringAfterAlways function will truncate the target string if it exceeds the specified size and add an ellipse style trail (‘...’) no matter the size of the string.



string = TrailStringAfterAlways ( string source, int size );



A string.


An int specifying the size of the string before the trail. If the string exceeds the size less than 3, the source will be trailed off. The value must be > 4 and less than 1MB. Under circumstances where the string may be larger that 1MB, use the GetStringSegment function to pre-trim the string.

Return Value

Returns a string as an altered version of the source string.


Unlike the TrailStringAfter function, the TrailStringAfterAlways function always adds the trailing ellipses even if the string does not exceed the length specified by the size parameter. If the source parameter does not exceed the size, the function will still add the trail off. This is useful for displaying a string in a limited space without roughly truncating but rather adding a “trail off” indicator. The GetLastError function can return ERROR_RANGE if the size parameter does not conform to the above specification.

There are multiple methods of “trailing off” strings. The following illustrates examples:

        string             s1, s2;

        s1 = "This is the story of my cats, purry, furry and cute";
        AddMessage("Original String         :%s:", s1);

        s2 = TrailStringAfter(s1, 20);
        AddMessage("TrailStringAfter        :%s:", s2);

        s2 = TrailStringAfterAlways(s1, 20);
        AddMessage("TrailStringAfterAlways  :%s:", s2);

        s2 = TrailStringAfterAlways(s1, 1000);
        AddMessage("TrailStringAfterAlways  :%s:", s2);

        s2 = TrailStringBefore(s1, 25);
        AddMessage("TrailStringBefore       :%s:", s2);

Results in the following placed in the log:

        Original String         :This is the story of my cats, purry, furry and cute:
        TrailStringAfter        :This is the stor...:
        TrailStringAfterAlways  :This is the stor...:
        TrailStringAfterAlways  :This is the story of my cats, purry, furry and c...:
        TrailStringBefore       :...purry, furry and cute:

Related Functions

Platform Support

Go13, Go16, GoFiler Complete, GoFiler Corporate, GoFiler, GoFiler Lite, GoXBRL

Legato IDE, Legato Basic