
GoFiler Legato Script Reference


Legato v 1.6a

Application v 6.0a



Chapter FiveGeneral Functions (continued)

AlphaToInteger Function


The AlphaToInteger function converts a string containing letter-style numbering (such as those commonly used in spreadsheet columns) to an integer value.



int = AlphaToInteger ( string data );



A string containing a letter sequence.

Return Value

Returns an int containing the integer equivalent of value or -1 on failure. Use the GetLastError function to retrieve error information.


The AlphaToInteger function is particularly useful when parsing data from spreadsheet applications, which commonly denote a column using letter notation or as a “cell address”. The conversion from letters to numbers is zero-inclusive such that ‘A’ becomes 0 and ‘AA’ becomes 26 and so forth. There is no equivalent to negative numbers for alphabetic numbers. Note that the numbering and lettering sequences in XDS and XFR files are incorrect and this routine cannot be used to convert between them.

If the string parameter cannot be converted to an integer, the GetLastError function will return ERROR_SYNTAX.

Related Functions

Platform Support

Go13, Go16, GoFiler Complete, GoFiler Corporate, GoFiler, GoFiler Lite, GoXBRL

Legato IDE, Legato Basic