GoFiler Legato Script Reference
Legato v 1.6a
Application v 6.0a
Five — General Functions
5.10 Data
Object Functions
5.10.1 Overview
Legato provides a series of functions to support a generic Data Object. The object is principally designed to
store and manage binary data and other information that is not conducive to being stored in conventional variables such as image
or raw database data.
Areas of memory can be shifted by deleting or inserting sections with the DataObjectDeleteSection and
DataObjectInsertSection functions, respectively.
Information can be loaded or used by other groups of functions such as the clipboard or image processing.
5.10.2 Object Descriptors
Data Objects contain an object descriptor that helps other functions processing information contained
within the object.
While the descriptor can be set to any value, the following table represents that well-known descriptors:
DIBDataObject |
Device Independent Bitmap. |
GIFDataObject |
GIF Image. |
ICODataObject |
Icon Image. |
JPGDataObject |
JPEG Image. |
PNGDataObject |
PNG Image. |
Descriptors are limited to 15 characters in size.
5.10.3 Functions
Data Object Functions:
DataObjectCreate — Creates a Data Object of a specified size.
DataObjectDeleteSection — Deletes a section of a memory within a Data Object.
DataObjectGetAllocation — Returns the allocation size of a Data Object.
DataObjectGetDescriptor — Returns the Data Object Descriptor.
DataObjectGetSize — Returns the size (data used) of a Data Object.
DataObjectInsertSection — Inserts an empty section of memory within a Data Object.
DataObjectLoadFile — Loads a Data Object from a file.
DataObjectSetDescriptor — Sets the descriptor string for a Data Object.
DataObjectSetSize — Sets the size (data used) of a Data Object.
DataObjectWriteFile — Writes the contents of a Data Object to a file.
Related Functions
BinaryPutSegment — Puts a source segment of binary data into a target buffer at an optional specified position for an optional specified number of bytes.
Get8String — Gets an 8-bit string of characters from a string, char buffer or Data Object by offset.
Get16String — Gets a 16-bit wstring of characters from a string, char buffer or Data Object by offset.
Get8Word — Gets an 8-bit byte from a string, char buffer or Data Object by offset with optional swap.
Get16Word — Gets a 16-bit word from string, char buffer or Data Object by offset with optional swap.
Get32Word — Gets a 32-bit dword from a string, char buffer or Data Object by offset with optional swap.
Get64Word — Gets a 64-bit qword from a string, char buffer or Data Object offset with optional swap.
Get32Float — Gets a 32-bit float from a string, char buffer or Data Object offset. Conversion is to 64-bit float.
Get64Float — Gets a 64-bit float from a string, char buffer or Data Object by offset.
Put8Word — Sets 8-bit byte into a buffer or Data Object at a specified position.
Put16Word — Sets 16-bit word into a buffer or Data Object at a specified position.
Put32Word — Sets 32-bit dword into a buffer or Data Object at a specified position.
Put64Word — Sets 64-bit qword into a buffer or Data Object at a specified position.
Put32Float — Sets 32-bit float into a buffer or Data Object at a specified position.
Put64Float — Sets 64-bit float into a buffer or Data Object at a specified position.
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