
GoFiler Legato Script Reference


Legato v 1.6a

Application v 6.0a



Chapter FiveGeneral Functions (continued)

5.21 Last Error Functions

5.21.1 GetLastError Function 

As SDK functions operate, they may place extended data in a static value for the last error. This can include details of the reason why a function failed. The GetLastError function will return extended error information in the form of an integer error code. These error codes may be Legato defines or defined in the Windows SDK. Every Legato function call will cause the GetLastError function to reset with the exception of calling the GetLastError and GetLastErrorMessage functions.

5.21.2 GetLastErrorMessage Function

Some functions may generate contextual error information in addition to a formatted error code on failure. This error text can be retrieved with the GetLastErrorMessage function and can be useful in providing additional or more specific information on why a function produced the error. Every Legato function call will cause the GetLastError function to reset with the exception of calling the GetLastError and GetLastErrorMessage functions.

5.21.3 Last Log Functions

Some functions may generate log information on failure or during normal operation. Log handles can be retrieved using the GetLastErrorLog and GetLastDefaultLog functions.

5.21.4 SetLastError Function

Functions can use the SetLastError function to return additional error information in the same manner as the SDK function.

5.21.5 Functions