
GoFiler Legato Script Reference


Legato v 1.6a

Application v 6.0a



Chapter FiveGeneral Functions (continued)

5.22 Byte and Word Functions

5.22.1 Overview 

This series of functions makes dealing with certain types of data easier by allowing the building and disassembly of binary words of data. This can also be performed by shifting and masking data but these functions make the processes much easier to perform and understand.

Functions are broken into four groups:

– Get/Put Word Functions (operating on buffers or Data Objects)

– Binary Word Functions

– Binary Memory Access Functions

– Color Functions

5.22.2 Get/Put Word Functions

A series of functions are available to read and write to a buffer using various data types. The buffer can also be a Data Object.


Get8Word — Gets an 8-bit byte from a string, char buffer or Data Object by offset with optional swap.

Get16Word — Gets a 16-bit word from a string or char buffer by offset with optional swap.

Get32Word — Gets a 32-bit dword from a string or char buffer by offset with optional swap.

Get64Word — Gets a 64-bit qword from a string or char buffer by offset with optional swap.

Get32Float — Gets a 32-bit float from a string or char buffer by offset. Conversion is to 64-bit float.

Get64Float — Gets a 64-bit float from a string or char buffer by offset.

Get8String — Gets an 8-bit string of characters from a string, char buffer or Data Object by offset.

Get16String — Gets a 16-bit wstring of characters from a string, char buffer or Data Object by offset.

Put8Word — Sets an 8-bit byte into a buffer or Data Object at a specified position.

Put16Word — Sets a 16-bit word into a buffer or Data Object at a specified position.

Put32Word — Sets a 32-bit dword into a buffer or Data Object at a specified position.

Put64Word — Sets a 64-bit qword into a buffer or Data Object at a specified position.

Put32Float — Sets a 32-bit float into a buffer or Data Object at a specified position.

Put64Float — Sets a 64-bit float into a buffer or Data Object at a specified position.

PutString — Sets a string or wstring into a buffer or Data Object at a specified position.