
GoFiler Legato Script Reference


Legato v 1.6a

Application v 6.0a



Chapter SixFile Functions (continued)

AttachFileCloud Function


The AttachFileCloud function sets up a connection to a file cloud.



int = AttachFileCloud ( string params | string params [], [boolean notest] );



A string or string array of the connection parameters. If a simple string is provided, the string must be in property: value; format. In array mode, the key names must match the property names listed below in the Remarks.


A boolean value if set to TRUE (or non-zero), the connection is not tested.

Return Value

An int containing the index of the added connection or a formatted error code on failure.


The AttachFileCloud function connects the application file system to an external file cloud. This connection is private to the instance of the application. Once established, the connection is available to all processes within the application.

Initial cloud connections may be set by application settings or from a client web relationship. If the CloudName combined with the Scheme exists, the attach process will fail with a ERROR_FILE_EXISTS sub error code. To replace the connection, disconnect using the ReleaseFileCloud function. If a parameter has an error or is unknown, an error will be returned.

The key or property names are as follows:

  Key/Property Name   Description
  CloudName   The name of the cloud connection. This is the reference name when accessing files as part of the scheme and path. It will also be the same as the name parameter if the name is used to reference the properties. This is a required value and cannot exceed 48 characters or contain invalid filename characters.
  Scheme   Scheme to use, Must be ‘vfc’ if supplied.†
  DisplayName   An optional display name. This can be used to provide a friendly name for the connection.†
  Description   An optional general description of the connection.†
  ServerDomain   The domain address (or IP address in string form) of the server connection.
  ServletPath   The servlet file that is the interface for the cloud connection.
  UseSecureLink   If ‘1’, requires an HTTPS, this should be the norm.†
  Port   An optional port number as a string. If not provided or 0, is the default is not to be used.†
  Owner   An optional owner of the connection.†
  Key   A key string to be used for a connection. This string is specific to the server and servlet. If not used, the UserID and UserPW must be supplied.
  UserID   The user’s login name either as clear text or an encrypted settings string. This is normally the web user name if used with a portal.
  UserPW   The user’s login password either as clear text or an encrypted settings string.
  CallerWordA   Translated to a 32-bit value from hex or decimal. This value is specifically related to script or other non-specific application data. It is not used by the cloud connection manager.†
  CallerWordB   Translated to a 32-bit value from hex or decimal. This value is specifically related to script or other non-specific application data. It is not used by the cloud connection manager.†
  CallerStringA   A string of up to 512 characters. This value is specifically related to script or other non-specific application data. It is not used by the cloud connection manager.†
  CallerStringB   A string of up to 512 characters. This value is specifically related to script or other non-specific application data. It is not used by the cloud connection manager.†

† Not required.

If the application does not support file clouds, a ERROR_FUNCTION_NOT_SUPPORT code will be returned.

Related Functions

Platform Support

Go13, Go16, GoFiler Complete, GoFiler Corporate, GoFiler, GoFiler Lite, GoXBRL

Legato IDE, Legato Basic