
GoFiler Legato Script Reference


Legato v 1.6a

Application v 6.0a



Chapter TenGraphic and Image Functions

10.1 Introduction to Graphic Functions

10.1.1 General

This chapter covers basic images or pictures. Images are generally either represented as a bitmap or as a drawing object or as a combination of both. In addition, the method of storage and compression varies widely.

Legato provides four levels of image functionality: image manipulation, image rendering, image editing and image support for dialogs and menus. Image editing may or may not be available depending on the hosting application.

Image resources are covered as part of the dialog and menu functionality. See Section 9.8 Image Resources and Section 17.4 Menu Functions. for more details.

Image data can also be posted and retrieved to and from the Clipboard. This is done through Data Objects. See Section 5.10 Data Object Functions for more information.

10.1.2 Types of Objects and Functions

There are two main types of objects used for images: bitmap and image. Image Objects are meant to allow the manipulation or conversion of the content of an image as a file or drawing object. Bitmaps are used largely for drawing within the application user interface. Each type has different handles, this section covers the Image Object.