
GoFiler Legato Script Reference


Legato v 1.6a

Application v 6.0a



Chapter ElevenSGML Functions (continued)

11.10.5 HTML Writer Default Style Functions

Various of the HTML tags produced by the writer can have attributes, CSS inline properties and CSS class references. These functions establish the style settings that are referenced by various other calls that actually generate the HTML code. Some of the generating functions allow for certain styles to be overridden or added.

Styles are set on two levels: for a containing block and, optionally inline while adding text. When a block has its style set, it is persistent until it is changed by another. Inline styles can be set by manually adding tags to the stream using the HTMLAddText function in open mode. Alternatively, and more effectively, style can be added by adding text in styled mode. For the later, a block is started with a begin function such as HTMLBeginPara and completed with HTMLCompletePara function.

Functions to Set Class:

HTMLSetBlockClass — Sets the class name to be used for blocks going forward.

HTMLSetLinkClass — Sets the class name to be used for hypertext links going forward.

HTMLSetCellClass — Sets the class name to be used for table cells going forward.

HTMLSetRowClass — Sets the class name to be used for table rows going forward.

HTMLSetTableClass — Sets the class name to be used for tables going forward.

Functions to Set CSS Block Style:

HTMLSetBlockStyle — Sets a specified style item to be used for blocks going forward.

HTMLSetCellStyle — Sets a specified style item to be used for cells going forward.

HTMLSetRowStyle — Sets a specified style item to be used for rows going forward.

HTMLSetTableStyle — Sets a specified style item to be used for tables going forward.

Functions Table Spacing:

HTMLSetTableSpacing — Sets the table cell spacing and padding.