
GoFiler Legato Script Reference


Legato v 1.6a

Application v 6.0a



Chapter ElevenSGML Functions (continued)

11.20 XBRL Model

11.20.1 Overview

The XBRL Model or XBRL Object allow an instance and/or a taxonomy schemas and linkbases to be loaded and examined.

Instances can be loaded from XBRL and iXBRL using the XBRLLoadInstance function. If a log handle is provided during the load, many coding errors are detected and added to the log. (Note that this is not comprehensive code testing).

The associated taxonomy (or any taxonomy) can then be loaded using the XBRLLoadTaxonomy function.

Additional errors are checked during the post process if XBRLPostProcess is called. Amongst other things, post processing checks fact links to contexts, checks more data fields for valid and minimum content and checks the concept references taxonomy. If the taxonomy has been loaded, the concepts and data types are checked.

All functions are in beta or prototype mode. Please send suggestions or errors to:


A beta Instance/Taxonomy Viewer, written in Legato using the XBRL Model, is also available by contacting support.

11.20.2 XBRL Instances

An instance consists of facts, contexts, units and footnotes. Instances can be loaded from XML XBRL or the HTML embedded form, Inline XBRL or iXBRL.

11.20.3 Taxonomies

When loading an instance, the taxonomy is not automatically loaded. The XBRLLoadTaxonomy loads the taxonomy as specified in the instance or allows a specific taxonomy to be loaded. In addition, the XBRLLoadTaxonomy function can also load a stand alone taxonomy without instance data.

11.20.4 Instance and Taxonomy Writing

Writing is not supported at this juncture.

11.20.5 XBRL Model Function Groups

XBRLCreateObject — Creates an empty XBRL Instance Model.

XBRLGetBaseTaxonomy — Returns a taxonomy code based on well know schema names.

XBRLGetLinkbaseList — Returns the list of linkbases encountered during a taxonomy or instance load.

XBRLGetNamespaceMap — Gets the namespace prefixes and the associated URLs.

XBRLGetRoleList — Returns the list of roles defined within the taxonomy.

XBRLGetSchemaList — Returns the list of schemas encountered during a taxonomy load.

XBRLGetSchemaRef — Returns the schema URI referenced by the instance.

XBRLGetEntryPoint — Returns the target entry point URL.

XBRLGetEntryPointNamespace — Returns the target namespace for the entry point.

XBRLGetEntryPointPrefix — Returns the target entry point prefix.

XBRLPostProcess — Post process and join facts, concepts and other XBRL information.

XBRLAddInstance — Supplements an existing instance with another.

XBRLLoadInstance — Maps and loads the model and returns a handle to an XBRL Object.

Instance — Facts

XBRLAddFact — Adds a fact to the fact table.

XBRLGetFact — Returns the raw data for an XBRL fact or searches for the next matching item.

XBRLGetFactCount — Returns the number of facts in the instance.

XBRLGetFactsByElement — Returns a list of facts for the specified element.

XBRLGetFactsByContext — Returns a list of facts for the specified context.

XBRLGetFactsByPrefix — Returns a list of facts for the specified prefix.

Instance — Contexts

XBRLAddContext — Adds a context to the context table.

XBRLGetContext — Returns the data for a specified XBRL context.

XBRLGetContextCount — Returns the number of contexts defined in the instance.

XBRLGetContexts — Returns the data for select XBRL contexts as directed by one or more filters.

Instance — Units

XBRLAddUnit — Adds a unit to the unit table.

XBRLGetUnit — Returns all the properties associated for a specified unit definition.

XBRLGetUnitCount — Returns the number of unit definitions loaded.

XBRLGetUnits — Returns properties for all unit definitions.

Instance — Footnotes

XBRLGetFootnote — Returns all the properties associated for a specified footnote.

XBRLGetFootnoteCount — Returns the number of footnotes loaded.

XBRLGetFootnotes — Returns all the properties associated with all footnotes.

XBRLGetFootnotesForFact — Returns all the properties for footnotes associated with a fact.

XBRLLoadTaxonomy — Load and associated or specified taxonomy.

Taxonomy — Calculations

XBRLFindCalculationGroup — Finds a specified group within the calculation item list.

XBRLFindCalculationItem — Finds a specified item concept within the calculation item list.

XBRLFindCalculationRole — Finds a specified role within the calculation item list.

XBRLGetCalculationArc — Returns a specified calculation arc record.

XBRLGetCalculationArcs — Returns a table of a group or all calculation arc records.

XBRLGetCalculationItem — Returns a calculation data item for a specified record.

XBRLGetCalculationItemCount — Returns the number defined calculations.

XBRLGetCalculationItems — Returns all calculation item or data for a specified group.

XBRLGetCalculationLink — Returns the properties for a specified calculation link.

XBRLGetCalculationLinkCount — Returns the number of calculation links loaded.

XBRLGetCalculationLinks — Returns all calculation links.

XBRLGetCalculationLocators — Returns all calculation locators.

XBRLGetCalculationRoles — Returns the Roles and Titles for all calculations.

Taxonomy — Concepts

XBRLAddConcept — Adds a concept to the concept data.

XBRLGetConcept — Returns all the properties associated for a specified concept.

XBRLGetConceptByID — Returns a concept via its specified ID.

XBRLGetConceptCount — Returns the number of concepts loaded.

XBRLGetConcepts — Returns all the properties associated with all concepts.

Taxonomy — Data Types

XBRLGetDataType — Return a data type by position or name.

XBRLGetDataTypeCount — Returns the number of data types in the data type table.

XBRLGetDataTypes — Returns a complete table of all data types.

Taxonomy — Labels

XBRLGetLabel — Returns all the properties associated for a specified label.

XBRLGetLabelCount — Returns the number of labels loaded.

XBRLGetLabels — Returns all labels, their roles and properties.

Taxonomy — Presentations

XBRLGetPresentationArcs — Returns all presentation arcs.

XBRLGetPresentationLink — Returns a specified presentation link record.

XBRLGetPresentationLinkCount — Returns the number of loaded presentation links.

XBRLGetPresentationLinks — Returns all presentation links.

XBRLGetPresentationLocators — Returns all presentation locators.

Taxonomy — References

XBRLGetReference — Returns the properties for a specified reference (reference item).

XBRLGetReferenceArcs — Returns all the reference arcs.

XBRLGetReferenceCount — Returns a count of all references.

XBRLGetReferenceData — Returns the data elements for a specified reference.

XBRLGetReferenceLink — Returns a specified reference link.

XBRLGetReferenceLinkCount — Returns the number of items in the reference link table.

XBRLGetReferenceLinks — Returns all the reference links.

XBRLGetReferenceLocators — Returns all reference locators.

XBRLGetReferences — Returns all references or only those items associated with a specified concept.

Taxonomy — Roles

XBRLGetRoleCount — Returns the count of all defined roles.

XBRLGetRoleList — Returns the list of roles defined within the taxonomy.

XBRLGetRoleReferences — Returns all Role References.