
GoFiler Legato Script Reference


Legato v 1.6a

Application v 6.0a



Chapter FifteenWindows/OS Functions (continued)

GetOperatingSystemFolder Function


The GetOperatingSystemFolder function returns the top folder for the operating system.



string = GetOperatingSystemFolder ( );




Return Value

Returns a string containing the path of the folder for the operating system.


There are numerous subfolders as part of the operating system and depending on the rights of the script, it may or may not be able to access files within these folders. The Windows directory is the directory where some legacy applications store initialization and help files. New applications should not store files in the Windows directory; instead, they should store system-wide data in the application’s installation directory and user-specific data in the user’s profile.

If the script is running a shared version of the system, the Windows directory is guaranteed to be private for each user. If an application creates other files that it wants to store on a per-user basis, it should place them in the directory specified by the HOMEPATH environment variable. This directory will be different for each user if it is specified by an administrator through the User Manager administrative tool. HOMEPATH always specifies either the user’s home directory, which is guaranteed to be private for each user, or a default directory (for example, C:\USERS\DEFAULT) where the user will have all access. If the application is running in a Terminal Services environment, each user has a private Windows directory.

The return value for this function is typically “C:\Windows\”.

Related Functions

Platform Support

Go13, Go16, GoFiler Complete, GoFiler Corporate, GoFiler, GoFiler Lite, GoXBRL

Legato IDE, Legato Basic