
GoFiler Legato Script Reference


Legato v 1.6a

Application v 6.0a



Chapter SixteenApplication (continued)

16.5 Frame Functions

16.5.1 The Application Frame

The Application Frame if the main window that contains the ribbon, menu, Multiple Document Interface (MDI), Management Window and Information Window. This section provides the description and functions to access the frame. Integration and extending the application is discussed in the next chapter.

Many of the functions in this section will not operate if a frame is not displayed (i.e., if the script is run from a command line). In addition, scripts run during the application start up cannot access the status bar since it is not displayed.

16.5.2 The Status Bar Functions

The Status Bar is the region at the bottom of the frame and consists of four main sections: message, activities, location and key status. The status bar is shared by many windows and activities and its content can be ever-changing. A script can write to the status bar to display temporary information and notifications with the understanding that the data may be overwritten at any time. For example, if data is displayed in the message area while running a script in the IDE, as soon as the script exits, the IDE will display the phrase “Ready” in the message area.

Text in the status bar can contain HTML tags <B>, <I> and <U>. It cannot contain character entities. The color can be set during the function call.

The status bar supports a left and right text area. The application generally does not use the right area and that area is also shared by the status progress bar.