
GoFiler Legato Script Reference


Legato v 1.6a

Application v 6.0a



Chapter EighteenDataView Integration (continued)



The on_edit_paste event handler is called when the user requests to paste data. This event is tied to the EDIT_PASTE menu function.



int on_edit_paste ( int row, int column ) { ... }



An int that specifies the row of the cell that has focus.


An int that specifies the column of the cell that has focus.

Return Value

Returns an int. If the hook processes the action, return ERROR_EXIT to stop any further processing. If the event is not canceled, the return code is passed back to Data View for processing.


This hook allows for the serving script to usurp control of the paste function and either preprocess or process and exit.

The position parameters provided are the caret position. Depending on the select mode of Data View, more cells could be selected. In which case, the select range must be retrieved to apply further processing. It is also possible for the caret to not be in the select range.

Note that the default operation is to paste operation is to analyze the content of the clipboard and then paste based on default action based on the data type or to query the user as to the paste action. This hook can either preprocess the clipboard or take control of the entire operation.

When the edit bar or on screen editing are active, this hook is not called.

Related Events

Page revised 2025-03-13